5 Key History Questions to Document the Potential Presence of Joint Dysfunction in Babies & Young Children
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In this class, Dr. Hewitt will introduce doctors and students to the five key questions to ask during the history to document the potential presence of joint dysfunction in infants. Ranging from in utero health through the process of labor and delivery, attendees will learn about the protective mechanisms built into the birth process, as well as the impacts on the newborn’s musculoskeletal system when a birth doesn’t go as planned. As always, throughout her presentation Dr. Hewitt will pepper her instruction with clinical pearls from her 34 years of experience in pediatric practice.
Learning Objectives:
1. Discuss the impact of intrauterine constraint on the musculoskeletal (MSK) system
of the fetus.
2. Summarize the etiologies of joint dysfunction in newborns.
3. Describe the impact of the length of labor and delivery on neonatal MSK health.
4. Recognize the four signs of potential joint dysfunction following trauma in the preverbal child.
This program is sponsored by Logan University.

Elise G. Hewitt
Dr. Hewitt is the program founder of Logan University’s Master of Science in Integrative Pediatrics. She is a board-certified pediatric Doctor of Chiropractic and one of the foremost authorities in the specialty of chiropractic pediatrics. Dr. Hewitt has spent more than 30 years advocating for the chiropractic care of children and served as president of the ACA Pediatrics Council for 10 years. In addition to treating children in her pediatrics-only practice in Portland, Oregon, Dr. Hewitt is a member of the prestigious NCMIC Speakers Bureau for which she teaches all aspects of pediatric practice. Dr. Hewitt was named 2019 Pediatric Chiropractor of the Year by the ACA Pediatrics Council.