Module 2: The Chiropractor’s Role as a Member of the Multidisciplinary Public Health Team

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The first part of this module will cover basic community advocacy models for public health education and health promotion efforts aimed at populations.  The knowledge needed for the clinician to become more involved in community health, advocacy, and policy information to promote public health and wellbeing is covered.

Participants will be able to:

  • List the components of the ecological model of health promotion and why advocacy is important
  • Define basic community organization methodology
  • List the 4 basic components of advocacy
  • Outline best practices for public health advocacy in the community

In this hour we briefly review how chiropractic health promotion includes more than providing adjustments. Motivational interviewing and different approaches such as OARS and the RULE approach to connecting with patients to gather health related information is discussed. The role of the chiropractor in providing wellness screening including the FIVE A’s and FRAMES approaches for Addressing Health Risk Behavior are surveyed. Resources for further information for further integrative care referral is presented. 

Participants will be able to:

  • Describe some of the fundamental attributes of motivational interviewing techniques
  • Explain the basics of the Five A’s Physician Intervention
  • Be able to describe why any health promotion screening should be accompanied by actionable plan to address any needs that are identified
  • Discuss why it is important to focus on helping patients change health behaviors that they think are important, and when they are ready to make a change.

This course is worth 2 CE credits in PACE-accepted states.

PACE ID 25252

Will Evans, Jr., DC, PhD, MCHES, FICC

Dean and Professor, College of Health Sciences

Georgia College & State University

Dr. Will Evans is professor of public health and Dean of the College of Health Sciences at Georgia College & State University in Milledgeville, GA. He holds a PhD from the University of Alabama and UAB in health promotion with concentration in epidemiology and a DC from Logan University. He is a Master Certified Health Education Specialist, and a Fellow of the Kansas Public Health Leadership Institute, the Southeastern Conference Academic Leadership Development Program, and the Food Systems Leadership Institute. In 2020, he was named a Fellow of the International College of Chiropractors, Inc. His research interests include modification of health care provider behaviors related to patient health promotion, smoking cessation research, including smoking ordinance modification, infection control measures for manual therapists, and nutrition and health behaviors in sport. In 2017, he was honored with the Sara Mazelis Award for Outstanding Practice in Health Education, Health Promotion, and Health Communication by the American Public Health Association’s Public Health Education and Health Promotion Section. In 2023, he was selected for Lifetime Achiever by the Chiropractic Healthcare Section as well.

Robert Leach, D.C., M.S., F.I.C.C.(h), M.C.H.E.S.

Leach Chiropractic

Dr. Leach earned his Master of Science degree in Health Education and became a Certified Health Education Specialist in 2006. Previously a recipient of numerous awards from the Mississippi Chiropractic Association, in 2007 he was named, “Health Educator of the Year” by the Mississippi Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (MAHPERD), and in 2020 became a Master Certified Health Education Specialist. A 1978 graduate of Life Chiropractic College, he has practiced continuously since 1979. His classic textbook, “The Chiropractic Theories,” used by chiropractic colleges around the world is now in its fourth edition, and he is credited with dozens of peer reviewed research papers, abstracts, and lectures throughout the U.S. and Canada. He has served as a Delphi Panelist for numerous published best practices guidelines in the past decade including recommendations for chiropractic care for infants, children and adolescents, for older adults, and for health promotion, disease prevention, and wellness. Dr. Leach is the Mississippi Delegate to the American Chiropractic Association HOD since 2013, and currently serves on the Public Health and Research Committees. In 2021 he was voted Chair Elect of the Chiropractic Section of the American Public Health Association.


The Chiropractor’s Role as a Member of the Multidisciplinary Public Health Team Part 1
Open to view video.  |  63 minutes
Open to view video.  |  63 minutes
Quiz: The Chiropractor’s Role as a Member of the Multidisciplinary Public Health Team Part 1
10 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  80/100 points to pass
10 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  80/100 points to pass
The Chiropractor’s Role as a Member of the Multidisciplinary Public Health Team Part 2
Open to view video.  |  62 minutes
Open to view video.  |  62 minutes
Quiz: The Chiropractor’s Role as a Member of the Multidisciplinary Public Health Team Part 2
10 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  80/100 points to pass
10 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  80/100 points to pass
2.00 CE Credits credits  |  Certificate available
2.00 CE Credits credits  |  Certificate available The Chiropractor’s Role as a Member of the Multidisciplinary Public Health - PACE ID: 25252
Demographic Information
3 Questions
Post-Webinar Survey
6 Questions
6 Questions Post-Webinar Survey