Module 5: Addressing Social Determinants of Health in Chiropractic Clinical Practice
- Non-member - $80
- Student/Other - Free!
- Member - Free!
- GAC - Free!
This webinar provides learners with an understanding of current challenges faced by individuals and entire communities in their pursuit of better health. Speakers will engage in discussion on the circumstances in which people are born, grow up, live, work, and age, along with the wider set of forces and systems that drive people's health behaviors through lecture and case-based learning. This webinar will highlight chiropractors' role and responsibility in understanding social determinants of health and provide them with tangible opportunities to begin addressing these in their clinical setting.
Learning objectives:
- Define social determinants of health
- Identify domains of social determinants of health that contribute to health disparities and undesirable health outcomes
- Recognize the chiropractor’s role in detecting and addressing social determinants of health
- Utilize effective communication strategies to elucidate and discuss social drivers of health with patients
- Identify strategies for chiropractors in clinical practice to address social needs
- Demonstrate improved awareness of SDoH interventions

Jevinne Khan, DC
Jevinne Khan is a chiropractic physician and clinical instructor at Logan University, with advanced post-graduate training in integrated healthcare. In her role as an educator, Dr. Khan guides chiropractic students on the critical role of chiropractic care in public and community health. Her professional practice spans Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and Community Health Centers. She specializes in the management of chronic pain and neuro-musculoskeletal conditions, placing a strong emphasis on addressing social determinants of health to deliver comprehensive, patient-centered care.
As a vital member of a multidisciplinary healthcare team, Dr. Khan works in close collaboration with primary care providers, social workers, and behavioral health specialists to deliver holistic and coordinated treatment. This team-based approach aims to reduce health disparities and improve clinical outcomes. Dr. Khan’s unwavering commitment to interdisciplinary collaboration and evidence-based care reflects her belief that equitable and compassionate healthcare is a fundamental right for all individuals.

Kelsey Lewis, DC
Dr. Kelsey Lewis is a chiropractic physician practicing in integrated, federally qualified community health centers in the city of St. Louis. After graduating from Logan University, Dr. Lewis completed a residency in Integrated Spine Care where she went through a year of rigorous advanced clinical training, research, and developed an understanding of how the healthcare system works for the safety-net population. In her current role as staff chiropractor at Logan University, Dr. Lewis provides direct patient care and student and resident instruction. Additionally, as adjunct faculty, she participates in student didactic education as the lead instructor of 2 courses.
Dr. Lewis is passionate about improving access to, and providing, high-value, evidence-based, non-pharmacologic care for underserved patients with neuromusculoskeletal conditions. She is dedicated to providing students with diverse and rigorous community-based clinical training experiences.