Module 6: Healthy Equity: The Chiropractors Role in Addressing Health Equity in a Multicultural Society
- Non-member - $80
- Student/Other - Free!
- Member - Free!
- GAC - Free!
This two-hour seminar explores the chiropractor’s role in addressing health equity. Relevant terminology and concepts are introduced. The key barriers and impacts to health equity, including the role of social determinants of health, are explored through case studies. An evidence-based approach highlights equity issues and action steps as they relate to the chiropractic profession.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
1. Explain healthy equity concepts, barriers, and impacts as they relate to the chiropractic profession.
2. Recognize forms of bias that exist and impact individual patient needs.
3. Apply prevention principles to address social determinants of health.
4. Evaluate attitudes, practices, and policies to remove barriers to health equity in a chiropractic practice.
This course is worth 2 CE credits in PACE-accepted states
PACE ID: 25256

Christie Kwon, MS, MPH, DC
Dr. Christie Kwon is a faculty member and Research Chair at Life University, and she has dedicated her career to serving the chiropractic profession through conducting, teaching, and supporting efforts in subluxation-centered research. She serves on the Alumni Council of Johns Hopkins University, and on the Boards of Directors of the Australian Spinal Research Foundation (ASRF), Foundation for Vertebral Subluxation, the Academy of Chiropractic Family Practice. She is also engaged with the Chiropractic Health Care section of the American Public Health Association.
Dr. Kwon’s research focuses on studying the epidemiology of vertebral subluxation as well as chiropractic and public health research on health equity and maternal and child health outcomes. She completed her DC degree within the Research Track at Life University, with Pi Tau Delta honors. She holds B.S. Biomedical Engineering and M.S. Biotechnology degrees from Johns Hopkins University, and an MPH from Emory University. Her research background includes work with the Emory Child Health and Mortality Prevention Study (CHAMPS). In 2021, she was named Chiropractic Researcher of the Year by the ICA’s Upper Cervical Council, and Chiropractic Researcher of the Year by the FVS in 2023. She has presented her work to chiropractors, educators, and other healthcare professionals from a diverse array of disciplines all over the world.