Taking the Lead in Empowering Chiropractors in Scoliosis Management
- Non-member - $40
- Student/Other - $10
- Member - $25
- GAC - Free!
Scoliosis can affect up to 5% of children, 32% of older adults, and 68% of the geriatric population. Despite its prevalence, managing scoliosis remains a challenge for many practitioners. For chiropractors, accurate diagnosis and effective management skills are crucial, as they are ideally positioned to take a leading role in the ongoing detection and care of patients with scoliosis. This one-hour session is designed to update your clinical knowledge with the latest evidence-based practices for diagnosing and managing scoliosis. Dr. McAviney will explore topics including the prevalence and impact of scoliosis across different age groups, challenges in screening and assessment, modern approaches in scoliosis rehabilitation and bracing, the role of chiropractors in patient-centered care, and case co-management strategies for optimal outcomes. This session will also clarify the chiropractor’s role within the broader healthcare community, emphasizing when chiropractic management is appropriate and when collaboration and co-management are necessary. Attend this session to enhance your expertise in scoliosis management, learn how to make informed decisions that positively impact patient outcomes, and establish yourself as a key contributor to the multidisciplinary management of scoliosis.
1 CE credit in PACE accepted states
PACE ID: 0121256

Jeb McAviney, BsC, Mchiro, MPainMed, FCBP
Jeb McAviney, BSc, MChiro, MPainMed, FCBP, is a chiropractor with special expertise in the clinical management of spinal deformities such as scoliosis and hyperkyphosis. He is the founder and CEO of ScoliCare, a global leader in scoliosis treatment, innovation and education. Dr. McAviney has dedicated over a decade to understanding and proving the most evidence-based approaches to scoliosis rehabilitation and bracing, leading to the development of ScoliBalance®, a physiotherapeutic scoliosis-specific exercise program, and ScoliBrace®, a 3D over corrective brace.
Dr. McAviney is an internationally recognized speaker, having presented at chiropractic, medical scientific and orthotic conferences in over 17 countries. He has published research in numerous journals, including the European Spine Journal and the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, and has presented research at the Interntional Society on Scoliosis Orthopedic and Rehabilitation Treatment (SOSORT), the Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) and the World Federation of Chiropractic Congress, among others.
Dr. McAviney is on the SOSORT board as well as the society’s scientific committee. He holds a Master of Chiropractic and a Master of Pain Medicine and has completed the World Master in Scoliosis Management via ISICO.