What Every Chiropractor Should Know About Value-Based Reimbursement
- Non-member - $40
- Student/Other - Free!
- Member - Free!
- GAC - Free!
While implementation is sporadic and slow, value-based reimbursement seems to be inevitable. To better understand value-based reimbursement, we need to define value and describe the various ways that data to measure value is being collected. The impact on the chiropractic profession, and how Doctors of Chiropractic can position themselves to their greatest advantage will be discussed.
- Understand and define value-based reimbursement
- Describe at least 3 variables associated with value and how these can be measured
- Describe the impact of value-based reimbursement on the health care provider and how Doctors of Chiropractic can prepare their practices
This course is NOT CE Eligible in some states. Reason: falls in the Practice Management category
John M. Ventura (Moderator)
Consultant, Spine Care Partners, LLC
Dr. Ventura has over 30 years of clinical practice experience & now serves on the Center for Medicare/Medicaid Services technical expert panel, on the board of the United States Bone and Joint Initiative and is on the musculoskeletal committee of the National Quality Forum.