Evidence-based Practice: Types of Studies and the Questions They Answer
- Non-member - $40
- Student/Other - Free!
- Member - Free!
- GAC - Free!
You may also register for a package of seven sessions recorded at the 2021 Engage conference, worth five CE credits, at a discount over registering for them individually.
The purpose of this program is to review different study types and explore the types of questions that they answer. The presentation will explore experimental designs, observational designs, reviews narrative, systematic and scoping. Issues of therapy, diagnosis, prognosis and harm will be looked an in light of randomized controlled trials, cohort studies, case-control studies and systematic reviews. Important elements in each design necessary to critically appraise will be reviewed. The process of synthesizing evidence using a GRADE approach to develop guidelines will be discussed.
Learning Objective: Identify different types of research and to be able to do a basic critical appraisal.
The following states require the participant to enter the course approval number on their certificate:
- California: View the list of course approval numbers and categories for California approved courses.
- Missouri: View the list of course approval numbers and categories for Missouri approved courses.
Please note: This is a recording of a 2021 Engage conference session. Licensed Doctors of Chiropractic should not reuse this credit for licensure renewal if earned during the conference.

John Stites
Dr. John Stites recently retired from Palmer College of Chiropractic as the Professor and Director of Clinics. He has a DC degree and has a Diplomates in Radiology and Orthopedics. He has worked as an editor, editorial board member and peer reviewer for a number of publications including JCCA and Spine. He provides chiropractic care in a Community Health Care center. Dr. Stites has served as the chair of the Chiropractic Health Care section of the American Public Health Association and is currently serving on the Governing Council. He has participated in advisory councils for the Iowa Department of Public Health as well as for managed care organizations. For the past six years he was invited to be a tutor in the seminal workshop in Evidence-Based Clinical Practice at McMaster University. Dr. Stites has developed multiple workshops and programs on Evidence-Based Clinical Practice and has lectured extensively on the subject for chiropractors and complementary and integrative practitioners. A 1979 Palmer graduate, he has been on faculty since 1983.