2021 Engage Session Package
- Non-member - $280
- Student/Other - $63
- Member - $157.50
- GAC - Free!
Please note: Because these are recordings of 2021 Engage conference sessions, Licensed Doctors of Chiropractic should not reuse the credits for licensure renewal if earned during the conference.
2021 Coding Updates (1 CE)
- Get an overview of the 2021 E&M coding changes and see examples of how each can be documented to improve efficiencies and add value to your patients’ clinical cases.
Evidence-based Practice: Types of Studies and the Questions They Answer (1 CE)
- Improve your ability to identify different types of research and to be able to do a basic critical appraisal
Educating the Broader Healthcare Community About Non-Pharmacological Pain Treatments (1 CE)
- Get tips for how the individual chiropractor can be effective in communicating the benefits of chiropractic care.
Better Medicare Billing: A Critical Skill for Chiropractors (1 CE)
- Learn how to avoid potentially costly pitfalls in Medicare billing.
Treating Concussion Beyond the Adjustment in a Chiropractic Practice (1 CE)
- Find out about methods for providing a more well -rounded approach to a concussed patient.
Better Practice, Better Care, Better Life! Rapid Financial Results and Lasting Cultural Change
- Get familiar with the fundamentals of Open Book Management outlined in the #1 bestseller, The Great Game of Business, and apply the knowledge of how to immediately begin implementing it into your own practice.
Using Data to Drive All Aspects of Your Practice
- Learn to gather and use data to improve patient care, employees' satisfaction, and the patient's experience in the office, while maintaining financial sustainability for the future.
Advanced Search This List
Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
This 1-hour seminar by Dr. Kevin Sharp is designed to provide 2021 coding and documentation updates to doctors of chiropractic and their staff. An explanation of the new 2021 E&M coding changes along with examples of how each can be documented to improve efficiencies and add value to your patients’ clinical case will be provided. In addition, Dr. Sharp will review the most-commonly misunderstood and used time-based codes in chiropractic offices in an effort to improve documentation and billing for these therapeutic modalities. Lastly, he will review the importance of re-examinations in a chiropractic office and how these visits show outcomes and help establish medical necessity.
You may also register for a package of seven sessions recorded at the 2021 Engage conference, worth five CE credits, at a discount over registering for them individually.
This 1-hour seminar by Dr. Kevin Sharp is designed to provide 2021 coding and documentation updates to doctors of chiropractic and their staff. An explanation of the new 2021 E&M coding changes along with examples of how each can be documented to improve efficiencies and add value to your patients’ clinical case will be provided. In addition, Dr. Sharp will review the most-commonly misunderstood and used time-based codes in chiropractic offices in an effort to improve documentation and billing for these therapeutic modalities. Lastly, he will review the importance of re-examinations in a chiropractic office and how these visits show outcomes and help establish medical necessity.
Learning Objective: Identify changes to coding and commonly misunderstood used time-based codes.
The following states require the participant to enter the course approval number on their certificate:
- California: View the list of course approval numbers and categories for California approved courses.
- Missouri: View the list of course approval numbers and categories for Missouri approved courses.
Please note: This is a recording of a 2021 Engage conference session. Licensed Doctors of Chiropractic should not reuse this credit for licensure renewal if earned during the conference.
Kevin Sharp
Owner, Sharp Chiropractic
Dr. Sharp has over 30 years of experience as a chiropractic physician and has been a member of the ACA for over 20 years. Dr. Sharp runs a successful practice in Winston Salem, NC (Sharp Chiropractic) and is a recognized expert in the area of coding, documentation and compliance. He previously served as North Carolina Chiropractic Association president and currently serves as a member of the ACA Coding Advisory Board. He has spoken at several ACA conferences and offered training at various state chiropractic events throughout the nation on the topics of coding and documentation.
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Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
The purpose of this program is to review different study types and explore the types of questions that they answer. The presentation will explore experimental designs, observational designs, reviews narrative, systematic and scoping. Issues of therapy, diagnosis, prognosis and harm will be looked an in light of randomized controlled trials, cohort studies, case-control studies and systematic reviews. Important elements in each design necessary to critically appraise will be reviewed. The process of synthesizing evidence using a GRADE approach to develop guidelines will be discussed.
You may also register for a package of seven sessions recorded at the 2021 Engage conference, worth five CE credits, at a discount over registering for them individually.
The purpose of this program is to review different study types and explore the types of questions that they answer. The presentation will explore experimental designs, observational designs, reviews narrative, systematic and scoping. Issues of therapy, diagnosis, prognosis and harm will be looked an in light of randomized controlled trials, cohort studies, case-control studies and systematic reviews. Important elements in each design necessary to critically appraise will be reviewed. The process of synthesizing evidence using a GRADE approach to develop guidelines will be discussed.
Learning Objective: Identify different types of research and to be able to do a basic critical appraisal.
The following states require the participant to enter the course approval number on their certificate:
- California: View the list of course approval numbers and categories for California approved courses.
- Missouri: View the list of course approval numbers and categories for Missouri approved courses.
Please note: This is a recording of a 2021 Engage conference session. Licensed Doctors of Chiropractic should not reuse this credit for licensure renewal if earned during the conference.
John Stites
Dr. John Stites recently retired from Palmer College of Chiropractic as the Professor and Director of Clinics. He has a DC degree and has a Diplomates in Radiology and Orthopedics. He has worked as an editor, editorial board member and peer reviewer for a number of publications including JCCA and Spine. He provides chiropractic care in a Community Health Care center. Dr. Stites has served as the chair of the Chiropractic Health Care section of the American Public Health Association and is currently serving on the Governing Council. He has participated in advisory councils for the Iowa Department of Public Health as well as for managed care organizations. For the past six years he was invited to be a tutor in the seminal workshop in Evidence-Based Clinical Practice at McMaster University. Dr. Stites has developed multiple workshops and programs on Evidence-Based Clinical Practice and has lectured extensively on the subject for chiropractors and complementary and integrative practitioners. A 1979 Palmer graduate, he has been on faculty since 1983.
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Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
The purpose of this presentation is to arm the doctor of chiropractic with the tools necessary to engage with other members and decision makers within the healthcare community in a manner that will promote the visibility, credibility and value of the profession to the overall healthcare system.
The central message of this presentation is that the individual chiropractor can be effective in communicating the benefits of chiropractic care. This can be done at the level of promoting one’s own practice to the local healthcare community, or at the level of promoting the profession as a whole to healthcare decision makers. The type of engagement and the persons involved is entirely variable. It might range from having lunch with a local family practitioner, to meeting with a larger clinical group or hospital, to presenting to a local employer, or to testifying to a state legislative committee.
Learning Objectives: The doctor of chiropractic will be able to identify and use the tools necessary to engage with other members and decision makers within the healthcare community in a manner that will promote the visibility, credibility and value of the profession to the overall healthcare system.
Please note: This is a recording of a 2021 Engage conference session. Licensed Doctors of Chiropractic should not reuse this credit for licensure renewal if earned during the conference.
The following states require the participant to enter the course approval number on their certificate:
Thomas LaBrot
Vice President of Clinical Services and Professional Affairs, American Specialty Health
Thomas LaBrot, DC, has taken a leadership role in policy development, standards of care, and medical-legal consulting. Dr. LaBrot is a Certified Health Insurance Executive (through AHIP ELP-MD Fellowship Program) and he holds diplomat status with the American Board of Quality Assurance and Utilization Management Physicians (ABQUARP). He has more than 25 years of experience as a treating chiropractor. He is currently vice president of clinical services and professional affairs for American Specialty Health (ASH), the nation’s largest complementary healthcare company. His responsibilities include utilization management, quality management, credentialing, and policy development as well as managing relationships between ASH and state and national professional societies and associations.
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Craig Nelson
Director of Health Services Research, American Specialty Health
Craig Nelson, DC, graduated from Northwestern College of Chiropractic in 1978 and was in private practice for 10 years. In 1988, Dr. Nelson joined the faculty of the Center for Clinical studies at Northwestern College. During his tenure there, he was an investigator in four randomized clinical trials evaluating the effectiveness of spinal manipulation. Dr. Nelson has extensive experience reviewing and evaluating the scientific literature for the purpose of clinical guideline development for both academic and business interests. He has been published in a wide range of scientific journals and is currently on the editorial board of the Journal of Manipulative and Physiologic Therapeutics. In 2001, Dr. Nelson completed an NIH fellowship in Health Services Research at the University of Minnesota. He is currently director of health services research at American Specialty Health.
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Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
The relationship between doctors of chiropractic and Medicare is, well…complicated. On the one hand, Medicare pays doctors of chiropractic about a half-billion dollars per year. On the other hand, Medicare is consistently named as one of the biggest headaches for practicing DCs, with complicated rules and an extremely limited range of services covered. A major initiative of ACA is to expand Medicare coverage for chiropractors, a goal that is thwarted by the discouragingly high rate of errors DCs make when billing Medicare. One recent government report found that chiropractic services had the highest rate of “improper payments” among all outpatient services covered by Medicare. Understanding how to properly bill Medicare is an essential skill for chiropractors to assure compliance with Federal rules, as well as avoiding potentially expensive fines for Medicare miscoding. This session will provide an introduction to Medicare billing basics and advice on avoiding potentially costly pitfalls.
The relationship between doctors of chiropractic and Medicare is, well…complicated. On the one hand, Medicare pays doctors of chiropractic about a half-billion dollars per year. On the other hand, Medicare is consistently named as one of the biggest headaches for practicing DCs, with complicated rules and an extremely limited range of services covered. A major initiative of ACA is to expand Medicare coverage for chiropractors, a goal that is thwarted by the discouragingly high rate of errors DCs make when billing Medicare. One recent government report found that chiropractic services had the highest rate of “improper payments” among all outpatient services covered by Medicare. Understanding how to properly bill Medicare is an essential skill for chiropractors to assure compliance with Federal rules, as well as avoiding potentially expensive fines for Medicare miscoding. This session will provide an introduction to Medicare billing basics and advice on avoiding potentially costly pitfalls.
Learning objective: Recognize common mistakes when billing (or when not billing) Medicare, and know the action needed to correct them.
The following states require the participant to enter the course approval number on their certificate:
- California: View the list of course approval numbers and categories for California approved courses.
- Missouri: View the list of course approval numbers and categories for Missouri approved courses.
Please note: This is a recording of a 2021 Engage conference session. Licensed Doctors of Chiropractic should not reuse this credit for licensure renewal if earned during the conference.
William J. Lauretti
Associate Professor, New York Chiropractic College
Dr. Bill Lauretti spent over 15 years in private practice in Maryland before joining the Chiropractic Clinical Science faculty at New York Chiropractic College in 2005. He has written numerous journal articles and textbook chapters about the safety of chiropractic neck adjustments, and has lectured extensively on the topic. He is a Spokesman for the American Chiropractic Association (ACA), who has been interviewed by major news outlets about chiropractic risks, including CNN, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, and Reuters International News Service. He is a Fellow of the International College of Chiropractors, a past recipient of ACA’s Presidential Award for Outstanding Achievement, and was named the Maryland Chiropractic Association’s Chiropractor of the Year 2000.
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Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
Concussion has been a common topic in the media for the last few years and continues to present challenges to physicians, patients and patient athletes. In the chiropractic office, we can treat the concussed patient and include nutrition and supplement recommendations. There is also a wide variety of testing to evaluate damage to the immune system and neurological system, which can be treated successfully with the right information. With a disruption of the blood brain barrier, infection is extremely common. With inflammation, the stress of the injury or the stress prior to the injury can also affect outcomes and the duration of symptoms. Looking at how the adrenals, gut function, neurotransmitters, basic nutrition and deficiencies can aid the chiropractic physician in instituting care beyond, yet including, musculoskeletal treatment in their office. Simple recommendations can be implemented immediately after the history physical and diagnosis is rendered.
Concussion has been a common topic in the media for the last few years and continues to present challenges to physicians, patients and patient athletes. In the chiropractic office, we can treat the concussed patient and include nutrition and supplement recommendations. There is also a wide variety of testing to evaluate damage to the immune system and neurological system, which can be treated successfully with the right information. With a disruption of the blood brain barrier, infection is extremely common. With inflammation, the stress of the injury or the stress prior to the injury can also affect outcomes and the duration of symptoms. Looking at how the adrenals, gut function, neurotransmitters, basic nutrition and deficiencies can aid the chiropractic physician in instituting care beyond, yet including, musculoskeletal treatment in their office. Simple recommendations can be implemented immediately after the history physical and diagnosis is rendered.
Learning Objectives:
- Attendees will be able to recognize methods for more well rounded approach to a concussed patient.
- They will have identify a greater number and variety of treatment considerations, especially if a patient does not get complete resolution of symptoms quickly.
- Since prevention may not always be practical, attendees will also be able to identify ways to keep patients healthier to decrease symptoms of first-time or sequential concussions.
Please note: This is a recording of a 2021 Engage conference session. Licensed Doctors of Chiropractic should not reuse this credit for licensure renewal if earned during the conference.
The following states require the participant to enter the course approval number on their certificate:
- California: View the list of course approval numbers and categories for California approved courses.
- Missouri: View the list of course approval numbers and categories for Missouri approved courses.
Cindy M. Howard
Board Certified Chiropractic Internist
Dr. Cindy M. Howard is a Board-Certified Chiropractic Internist and Nutritionist in private
practice and the owner of Innovative Health & Wellness Center in Orland Park, Illinois and also
holds a license in the state of Florida. She speaks nationally, presenting on topics including
Pre- and Post-Concussion Nutrition, Neuroadrenal Dysfunction and Infection in sport, Male and
Female Pelvic Disorders, Pediatrics, Immunology, GI Disorders, Endocrinology, Nutritional
Blood Analysis Interpretation and Genetics.
She is also the owner of DC consulting; assisting private practices improve their
communication skills and improving patient adherence while building a better functional
medicine and nutritional practice.
She is the co-founder of Advanced Education; an entity that runs CE programs for the Internal
medicine diplomate.
For the last 8 years she has served as the Illinois delegate for the American Chiropractic
Association and as the alternate for 6 years prior to that. She has served on the membership,
professional development, clinical guidelines, bylaws and grievance committees. She was
the recipient of the Flynn/Lynch award in 2015 for outstanding service.
She is a past president of the ACA Council on Diagnosis and Internal Disorders and currently
serves as the Vice President of the College of Pharmacology and Toxicology. She also serves
on the medical advisory board for the Functional Medicine University, serves as a board
member for Before the Hit and Djor Intelligence Guards. Dr. Howard is an associate editor of
The Original Internist and a regular contributor for the Illinois Chiropractic Society online
In 2020 Dr. Cindy Howard was award the Chiropractor of the Year from the Illinois Chiropractic
Locally Dr. Howard serves as a board member for the Frankfort Falcons Youth football
organization, the concussion oversight team for the local school district and is the team
chiropractor for the Natural Wrestling Club.
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Contains 3 Component(s)
Practices that experience (or strive for) rapid financial stability often find that it can be challenging to balance the business’ needs with the needs of those of its patients. The Great Game of Business is a management system that supports both financial growth and the sustainability of a strong company culture. In this session, participants will learn about the origin of open-book management and gain insight into how it can be implemented within their own practices. This presentation is ideal for participants who would like to learn more about implementing the business strategies of open-book management, transparency, and gamification in their practices. Participants will leave with a better understanding of the small changes they can make to better communicate business goals to employees in a way that is meaningful to them.
Practices that experience (or strive for) rapid financial stability often find that it can be challenging to balance the business’ needs with the needs of those of its patients. The Great Game of Business is a management system that supports both financial growth and the sustainability of a strong company culture. In this session, participants will learn about the origin of open-book management and gain insight into how it can be implemented within their own practices. This presentation is ideal for participants who would like to learn more about implementing the business strategies of open-book management, transparency, and gamification in their practices. Participants will leave with a better understanding of the small changes they can make to better communicate business goals to employees in a way that is meaningful to them.
Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to identify the fundamentals of Open Book Management outlined in the #1 bestseller, The Great Game of Business, and apply the knowledge of how to immediately begin implementing it into their own practices.
There are no CE credits associated with this course.
Please note: This is a recording of a session from Engage 2021.
Steve Baker
Vice President, The Great Game of Business, Inc.
Steve Baker is the Vice President of The Great Game of Business, Inc. and coauthor of Get in the Game as well as the update of the number one bestseller, The Great Game of Business—20th Anniversary Edition.
Known for his engaging and irreverent style, Steve is a top-rated, sought-after speaker and coach on open-book management, strategy and execution, leadership, and employee engagement.
His audiences range from Harvard University to the Department of Defense, and he is a regular at Inc. magazine’s Inc. 5000 Conference. He has served on the Board of the National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO) and SRC Holding’s Ownership Culture Initiative.
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Ray Tuck
President and CEO, Tuck Chiropractic Clinic
Dr. Tuck is a graduate of the National University of Health Sciences and has practiced in southwest Virginia since graduating in 1997. As a second-generation chiropractor, he is very passionate about advancing and integrating chiropractic as a part of the healthcare team through quality care delivery and patient satisfaction. Tuck has served in multiple leadership roles over the years including past president of the Virginia Chiropractic Association, past executive director and board member of the Association for the History of Chiropractic, and on numerous local non-profit boards. In addition, he has been the recipient of the Blacksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce small business person of the year and the VCA's Chiropractor of the year. Currently, he serves on the ACA Board of Governors and on the Virginia Board of Medicine. Locally, he serves on his county Economic Development Authority which helps work with local industry improving the local economy. Tuck is president of Tuck Chiropractic Clinic, which is a group practice with eleven locations throughout southwest Virginia.
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Contains 4 Component(s)
Today’s healthcare environment requires the constant balancing act of using the most up-to-date research, adherence to clinical guidelines, proper human resource management, assurance of financial strength and high-qualitative outcomes, along with ensuring superb patient experience measures. On top of these demands comes the challenge of minimizing physician burnout. In a clinic setting where most of these “spinning plates” have to be managed by a small team, often led by the physician(s) themself, knowing where and when to focus is essential to long-term sustainability of the practice. This presentation is intended to lay a framework for appropriate management.
You may also register for a package of seven sessions recorded at the 2021 Engage conference, worth five CE credits, at a discount over registering for them individually.
Today’s healthcare environment requires the constant balancing act of using the most up-to-date research, adherence to clinical guidelines, proper human resource management, assurance of financial strength and high-qualitative outcomes, along with ensuring superb patient experience measures. On top of these demands comes the challenge of minimizing physician burnout. In a clinic setting where most of these “spinning plates” have to be managed by a small team, often led by the physician(s) themself, knowing where and when to focus is essential to long-term sustainability of the practice. This presentation is intended to lay a framework for appropriate management. The systematization of appropriate management processes is required to keep all required aspects of practice in check, allow for an objective reflection on each aspect’s strengths and weaknesses, and ensure that changes are made to continue long into the future.
The attendee can expect to take home concepts to improve their patient care, their employees' satisfaction, and the patient's experience in their office, while maintaining financial sustainability for the future.
There are no CE credits for this session.
Please note: This is a recording of a session from the Engage 2021 conference.
Lee Matthis
Tuck Chiropractic Clinic
Dr. Lee Matthis is a 2002 graduate of Campbell University located in Buies Creek, NC where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology. Later, he received his Doctor of Chiropractic Degree from the Palmer College of Chiropractic. During his education, he received many honors including graduating from the National Outdoor Leadership School in Lander, WY., the prestigious Vogt Leadership Society Award and the Virgil V. Strang Chiropractic Philosophy Award from Palmer College. Dr. Matthis serves as Team Chiropractor and is an honorary member of the Virginia Tech Cycling Team.
Dr. Matthis originally planned on becoming a General and Vascular Surgeon until, at age 17, his grandmother passed away during a “routine surgery.” He decided then that he wanted to help people express vitality and quality of life using non-surgical and non-medicinal means.
Dr. Matthis, and his wife Candice, are the proud parents of Evan, Garrett, and Ella. Dr. Matthis enjoys reading, cycling, and spending time outdoors with his family.
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Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
This 1-hour seminar by Dr. Kevin Sharp is designed to provide 2021 coding and documentation updates to doctors of chiropractic and their staff. An explanation of the new 2021 E&M coding changes along with examples of how each can be documented to improve efficiencies and add value to your patients’ clinical case will be provided. In addition, Dr. Sharp will review the most-commonly misunderstood and used time-based codes in chiropractic offices in an effort to improve documentation and billing for these therapeutic modalities. Lastly, he will review the importance of re-examinations in a chiropractic office and how these visits show outcomes and help establish medical necessity.
You may also register for a package of seven sessions recorded at the 2021 Engage conference, worth five CE credits, at a discount over registering for them individually.
This 1-hour seminar by Dr. Kevin Sharp is designed to provide 2021 coding and documentation updates to doctors of chiropractic and their staff. An explanation of the new 2021 E&M coding changes along with examples of how each can be documented to improve efficiencies and add value to your patients’ clinical case will be provided. In addition, Dr. Sharp will review the most-commonly misunderstood and used time-based codes in chiropractic offices in an effort to improve documentation and billing for these therapeutic modalities. Lastly, he will review the importance of re-examinations in a chiropractic office and how these visits show outcomes and help establish medical necessity.Learning Objective: Identify changes to coding and commonly misunderstood used time-based codes.
The following states require the participant to enter the course approval number on their certificate:- California: View the list of course approval numbers and categories for California approved courses.
- Missouri: View the list of course approval numbers and categories for Missouri approved courses.
Please note: This is a recording of a 2021 Engage conference session. Licensed Doctors of Chiropractic should not reuse this credit for licensure renewal if earned during the conference.
Kevin Sharp
Owner, Sharp Chiropractic
Dr. Sharp has over 30 years of experience as a chiropractic physician and has been a member of the ACA for over 20 years. Dr. Sharp runs a successful practice in Winston Salem, NC (Sharp Chiropractic) and is a recognized expert in the area of coding, documentation and compliance. He previously served as North Carolina Chiropractic Association president and currently serves as a member of the ACA Coding Advisory Board. He has spoken at several ACA conferences and offered training at various state chiropractic events throughout the nation on the topics of coding and documentation.
Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
The purpose of this program is to review different study types and explore the types of questions that they answer. The presentation will explore experimental designs, observational designs, reviews narrative, systematic and scoping. Issues of therapy, diagnosis, prognosis and harm will be looked an in light of randomized controlled trials, cohort studies, case-control studies and systematic reviews. Important elements in each design necessary to critically appraise will be reviewed. The process of synthesizing evidence using a GRADE approach to develop guidelines will be discussed.
You may also register for a package of seven sessions recorded at the 2021 Engage conference, worth five CE credits, at a discount over registering for them individually.
The purpose of this program is to review different study types and explore the types of questions that they answer. The presentation will explore experimental designs, observational designs, reviews narrative, systematic and scoping. Issues of therapy, diagnosis, prognosis and harm will be looked an in light of randomized controlled trials, cohort studies, case-control studies and systematic reviews. Important elements in each design necessary to critically appraise will be reviewed. The process of synthesizing evidence using a GRADE approach to develop guidelines will be discussed.
Learning Objective: Identify different types of research and to be able to do a basic critical appraisal.The following states require the participant to enter the course approval number on their certificate:
- California: View the list of course approval numbers and categories for California approved courses.
- Missouri: View the list of course approval numbers and categories for Missouri approved courses.
Please note: This is a recording of a 2021 Engage conference session. Licensed Doctors of Chiropractic should not reuse this credit for licensure renewal if earned during the conference.John Stites
Dr. John Stites recently retired from Palmer College of Chiropractic as the Professor and Director of Clinics. He has a DC degree and has a Diplomates in Radiology and Orthopedics. He has worked as an editor, editorial board member and peer reviewer for a number of publications including JCCA and Spine. He provides chiropractic care in a Community Health Care center. Dr. Stites has served as the chair of the Chiropractic Health Care section of the American Public Health Association and is currently serving on the Governing Council. He has participated in advisory councils for the Iowa Department of Public Health as well as for managed care organizations. For the past six years he was invited to be a tutor in the seminal workshop in Evidence-Based Clinical Practice at McMaster University. Dr. Stites has developed multiple workshops and programs on Evidence-Based Clinical Practice and has lectured extensively on the subject for chiropractors and complementary and integrative practitioners. A 1979 Palmer graduate, he has been on faculty since 1983.
Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
The purpose of this presentation is to arm the doctor of chiropractic with the tools necessary to engage with other members and decision makers within the healthcare community in a manner that will promote the visibility, credibility and value of the profession to the overall healthcare system.
The central message of this presentation is that the individual chiropractor can be effective in communicating the benefits of chiropractic care. This can be done at the level of promoting one’s own practice to the local healthcare community, or at the level of promoting the profession as a whole to healthcare decision makers. The type of engagement and the persons involved is entirely variable. It might range from having lunch with a local family practitioner, to meeting with a larger clinical group or hospital, to presenting to a local employer, or to testifying to a state legislative committee.
Learning Objectives: The doctor of chiropractic will be able to identify and use the tools necessary to engage with other members and decision makers within the healthcare community in a manner that will promote the visibility, credibility and value of the profession to the overall healthcare system.
Please note: This is a recording of a 2021 Engage conference session. Licensed Doctors of Chiropractic should not reuse this credit for licensure renewal if earned during the conference.
The following states require the participant to enter the course approval number on their certificate:
Thomas LaBrot
Vice President of Clinical Services and Professional Affairs, American Specialty Health
Thomas LaBrot, DC, has taken a leadership role in policy development, standards of care, and medical-legal consulting. Dr. LaBrot is a Certified Health Insurance Executive (through AHIP ELP-MD Fellowship Program) and he holds diplomat status with the American Board of Quality Assurance and Utilization Management Physicians (ABQUARP). He has more than 25 years of experience as a treating chiropractor. He is currently vice president of clinical services and professional affairs for American Specialty Health (ASH), the nation’s largest complementary healthcare company. His responsibilities include utilization management, quality management, credentialing, and policy development as well as managing relationships between ASH and state and national professional societies and associations.
Craig Nelson
Director of Health Services Research, American Specialty Health
Craig Nelson, DC, graduated from Northwestern College of Chiropractic in 1978 and was in private practice for 10 years. In 1988, Dr. Nelson joined the faculty of the Center for Clinical studies at Northwestern College. During his tenure there, he was an investigator in four randomized clinical trials evaluating the effectiveness of spinal manipulation. Dr. Nelson has extensive experience reviewing and evaluating the scientific literature for the purpose of clinical guideline development for both academic and business interests. He has been published in a wide range of scientific journals and is currently on the editorial board of the Journal of Manipulative and Physiologic Therapeutics. In 2001, Dr. Nelson completed an NIH fellowship in Health Services Research at the University of Minnesota. He is currently director of health services research at American Specialty Health.
Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
The relationship between doctors of chiropractic and Medicare is, well…complicated. On the one hand, Medicare pays doctors of chiropractic about a half-billion dollars per year. On the other hand, Medicare is consistently named as one of the biggest headaches for practicing DCs, with complicated rules and an extremely limited range of services covered. A major initiative of ACA is to expand Medicare coverage for chiropractors, a goal that is thwarted by the discouragingly high rate of errors DCs make when billing Medicare. One recent government report found that chiropractic services had the highest rate of “improper payments” among all outpatient services covered by Medicare. Understanding how to properly bill Medicare is an essential skill for chiropractors to assure compliance with Federal rules, as well as avoiding potentially expensive fines for Medicare miscoding. This session will provide an introduction to Medicare billing basics and advice on avoiding potentially costly pitfalls.
The relationship between doctors of chiropractic and Medicare is, well…complicated. On the one hand, Medicare pays doctors of chiropractic about a half-billion dollars per year. On the other hand, Medicare is consistently named as one of the biggest headaches for practicing DCs, with complicated rules and an extremely limited range of services covered. A major initiative of ACA is to expand Medicare coverage for chiropractors, a goal that is thwarted by the discouragingly high rate of errors DCs make when billing Medicare. One recent government report found that chiropractic services had the highest rate of “improper payments” among all outpatient services covered by Medicare. Understanding how to properly bill Medicare is an essential skill for chiropractors to assure compliance with Federal rules, as well as avoiding potentially expensive fines for Medicare miscoding. This session will provide an introduction to Medicare billing basics and advice on avoiding potentially costly pitfalls.
Learning objective: Recognize common mistakes when billing (or when not billing) Medicare, and know the action needed to correct them.
The following states require the participant to enter the course approval number on their certificate:- California: View the list of course approval numbers and categories for California approved courses.
- Missouri: View the list of course approval numbers and categories for Missouri approved courses.
Please note: This is a recording of a 2021 Engage conference session. Licensed Doctors of Chiropractic should not reuse this credit for licensure renewal if earned during the conference.
William J. Lauretti
Associate Professor, New York Chiropractic College
Dr. Bill Lauretti spent over 15 years in private practice in Maryland before joining the Chiropractic Clinical Science faculty at New York Chiropractic College in 2005. He has written numerous journal articles and textbook chapters about the safety of chiropractic neck adjustments, and has lectured extensively on the topic. He is a Spokesman for the American Chiropractic Association (ACA), who has been interviewed by major news outlets about chiropractic risks, including CNN, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, and Reuters International News Service. He is a Fellow of the International College of Chiropractors, a past recipient of ACA’s Presidential Award for Outstanding Achievement, and was named the Maryland Chiropractic Association’s Chiropractor of the Year 2000.
Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
Concussion has been a common topic in the media for the last few years and continues to present challenges to physicians, patients and patient athletes. In the chiropractic office, we can treat the concussed patient and include nutrition and supplement recommendations. There is also a wide variety of testing to evaluate damage to the immune system and neurological system, which can be treated successfully with the right information. With a disruption of the blood brain barrier, infection is extremely common. With inflammation, the stress of the injury or the stress prior to the injury can also affect outcomes and the duration of symptoms. Looking at how the adrenals, gut function, neurotransmitters, basic nutrition and deficiencies can aid the chiropractic physician in instituting care beyond, yet including, musculoskeletal treatment in their office. Simple recommendations can be implemented immediately after the history physical and diagnosis is rendered.
Concussion has been a common topic in the media for the last few years and continues to present challenges to physicians, patients and patient athletes. In the chiropractic office, we can treat the concussed patient and include nutrition and supplement recommendations. There is also a wide variety of testing to evaluate damage to the immune system and neurological system, which can be treated successfully with the right information. With a disruption of the blood brain barrier, infection is extremely common. With inflammation, the stress of the injury or the stress prior to the injury can also affect outcomes and the duration of symptoms. Looking at how the adrenals, gut function, neurotransmitters, basic nutrition and deficiencies can aid the chiropractic physician in instituting care beyond, yet including, musculoskeletal treatment in their office. Simple recommendations can be implemented immediately after the history physical and diagnosis is rendered.
Learning Objectives:
- Attendees will be able to recognize methods for more well rounded approach to a concussed patient.
- They will have identify a greater number and variety of treatment considerations, especially if a patient does not get complete resolution of symptoms quickly.
- Since prevention may not always be practical, attendees will also be able to identify ways to keep patients healthier to decrease symptoms of first-time or sequential concussions.
Please note: This is a recording of a 2021 Engage conference session. Licensed Doctors of Chiropractic should not reuse this credit for licensure renewal if earned during the conference.
The following states require the participant to enter the course approval number on their certificate:
- California: View the list of course approval numbers and categories for California approved courses.
- Missouri: View the list of course approval numbers and categories for Missouri approved courses.
Cindy M. Howard
Board Certified Chiropractic Internist
Dr. Cindy M. Howard is a Board-Certified Chiropractic Internist and Nutritionist in private
practice and the owner of Innovative Health & Wellness Center in Orland Park, Illinois and also
holds a license in the state of Florida. She speaks nationally, presenting on topics including
Pre- and Post-Concussion Nutrition, Neuroadrenal Dysfunction and Infection in sport, Male and
Female Pelvic Disorders, Pediatrics, Immunology, GI Disorders, Endocrinology, Nutritional
Blood Analysis Interpretation and Genetics.
She is also the owner of DC consulting; assisting private practices improve their
communication skills and improving patient adherence while building a better functional
medicine and nutritional practice.
She is the co-founder of Advanced Education; an entity that runs CE programs for the Internal
medicine diplomate.
For the last 8 years she has served as the Illinois delegate for the American Chiropractic
Association and as the alternate for 6 years prior to that. She has served on the membership,
professional development, clinical guidelines, bylaws and grievance committees. She was
the recipient of the Flynn/Lynch award in 2015 for outstanding service.
She is a past president of the ACA Council on Diagnosis and Internal Disorders and currently
serves as the Vice President of the College of Pharmacology and Toxicology. She also serves
on the medical advisory board for the Functional Medicine University, serves as a board
member for Before the Hit and Djor Intelligence Guards. Dr. Howard is an associate editor of
The Original Internist and a regular contributor for the Illinois Chiropractic Society online
In 2020 Dr. Cindy Howard was award the Chiropractor of the Year from the Illinois Chiropractic
Locally Dr. Howard serves as a board member for the Frankfort Falcons Youth football
organization, the concussion oversight team for the local school district and is the team
chiropractor for the Natural Wrestling Club. -
Contains 3 Component(s)
Practices that experience (or strive for) rapid financial stability often find that it can be challenging to balance the business’ needs with the needs of those of its patients. The Great Game of Business is a management system that supports both financial growth and the sustainability of a strong company culture. In this session, participants will learn about the origin of open-book management and gain insight into how it can be implemented within their own practices. This presentation is ideal for participants who would like to learn more about implementing the business strategies of open-book management, transparency, and gamification in their practices. Participants will leave with a better understanding of the small changes they can make to better communicate business goals to employees in a way that is meaningful to them.
Practices that experience (or strive for) rapid financial stability often find that it can be challenging to balance the business’ needs with the needs of those of its patients. The Great Game of Business is a management system that supports both financial growth and the sustainability of a strong company culture. In this session, participants will learn about the origin of open-book management and gain insight into how it can be implemented within their own practices. This presentation is ideal for participants who would like to learn more about implementing the business strategies of open-book management, transparency, and gamification in their practices. Participants will leave with a better understanding of the small changes they can make to better communicate business goals to employees in a way that is meaningful to them.
Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to identify the fundamentals of Open Book Management outlined in the #1 bestseller, The Great Game of Business, and apply the knowledge of how to immediately begin implementing it into their own practices.
There are no CE credits associated with this course.Please note: This is a recording of a session from Engage 2021.
Steve Baker
Vice President, The Great Game of Business, Inc.
Steve Baker is the Vice President of The Great Game of Business, Inc. and coauthor of Get in the Game as well as the update of the number one bestseller, The Great Game of Business—20th Anniversary Edition.
Known for his engaging and irreverent style, Steve is a top-rated, sought-after speaker and coach on open-book management, strategy and execution, leadership, and employee engagement.
His audiences range from Harvard University to the Department of Defense, and he is a regular at Inc. magazine’s Inc. 5000 Conference. He has served on the Board of the National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO) and SRC Holding’s Ownership Culture Initiative.
Ray Tuck
President and CEO, Tuck Chiropractic Clinic
Dr. Tuck is a graduate of the National University of Health Sciences and has practiced in southwest Virginia since graduating in 1997. As a second-generation chiropractor, he is very passionate about advancing and integrating chiropractic as a part of the healthcare team through quality care delivery and patient satisfaction. Tuck has served in multiple leadership roles over the years including past president of the Virginia Chiropractic Association, past executive director and board member of the Association for the History of Chiropractic, and on numerous local non-profit boards. In addition, he has been the recipient of the Blacksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce small business person of the year and the VCA's Chiropractor of the year. Currently, he serves on the ACA Board of Governors and on the Virginia Board of Medicine. Locally, he serves on his county Economic Development Authority which helps work with local industry improving the local economy. Tuck is president of Tuck Chiropractic Clinic, which is a group practice with eleven locations throughout southwest Virginia.
Contains 4 Component(s)
Today’s healthcare environment requires the constant balancing act of using the most up-to-date research, adherence to clinical guidelines, proper human resource management, assurance of financial strength and high-qualitative outcomes, along with ensuring superb patient experience measures. On top of these demands comes the challenge of minimizing physician burnout. In a clinic setting where most of these “spinning plates” have to be managed by a small team, often led by the physician(s) themself, knowing where and when to focus is essential to long-term sustainability of the practice. This presentation is intended to lay a framework for appropriate management.
You may also register for a package of seven sessions recorded at the 2021 Engage conference, worth five CE credits, at a discount over registering for them individually.
Today’s healthcare environment requires the constant balancing act of using the most up-to-date research, adherence to clinical guidelines, proper human resource management, assurance of financial strength and high-qualitative outcomes, along with ensuring superb patient experience measures. On top of these demands comes the challenge of minimizing physician burnout. In a clinic setting where most of these “spinning plates” have to be managed by a small team, often led by the physician(s) themself, knowing where and when to focus is essential to long-term sustainability of the practice. This presentation is intended to lay a framework for appropriate management. The systematization of appropriate management processes is required to keep all required aspects of practice in check, allow for an objective reflection on each aspect’s strengths and weaknesses, and ensure that changes are made to continue long into the future.
The attendee can expect to take home concepts to improve their patient care, their employees' satisfaction, and the patient's experience in their office, while maintaining financial sustainability for the future.
There are no CE credits for this session.
Please note: This is a recording of a session from the Engage 2021 conference.Lee Matthis
Tuck Chiropractic Clinic
Dr. Lee Matthis is a 2002 graduate of Campbell University located in Buies Creek, NC where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology. Later, he received his Doctor of Chiropractic Degree from the Palmer College of Chiropractic. During his education, he received many honors including graduating from the National Outdoor Leadership School in Lander, WY., the prestigious Vogt Leadership Society Award and the Virgil V. Strang Chiropractic Philosophy Award from Palmer College. Dr. Matthis serves as Team Chiropractor and is an honorary member of the Virginia Tech Cycling Team.
Dr. Matthis originally planned on becoming a General and Vascular Surgeon until, at age 17, his grandmother passed away during a “routine surgery.” He decided then that he wanted to help people express vitality and quality of life using non-surgical and non-medicinal means.
Dr. Matthis, and his wife Candice, are the proud parents of Evan, Garrett, and Ella. Dr. Matthis enjoys reading, cycling, and spending time outdoors with his family.